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Asia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (APJHSS) 

ISSN (print): 2653-0465  ISSN (online): 2653-1526

APJHSS is a scholarly publication launched in 2021 by Asia Pacific Publishing Group (APPG) registered in Australia (ABN:93134791969). A peer-reviewed quarterly in both English and Chinese, APJHSS is committed to stimulating innovative research on all humanities and social sciences-related issues. It offers a forum for researchers and scholars in the Asia-Pacific region to share with one another their fresh ideas and new findings as well. APJHSS welcomes contributions related to a wide range of topics, from politics, philosophy, linguistics, economics and law to public health, global governance, international relations, and ecological civilization, etc. It also encourages discussions based on a diversity of methodological perspectives.

Average number of weeks between article submission & publication is 12 weeks. Submission will be evaluated by the APJHSS Editorial Department. Those found suitable for the Journal will then go through the peer review process. Any contributor is required to provide a separate cover page with the title of the article, his/her name and institutional affiliation. The Editor’s decision on a submission is normally made within 20 days. The submitted work should be original and should not have been published elsewhere in any forms or languages (partially or in full). The manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal for simultaneous consideration. This journal routinely screens article submissions for plagiarism. And the authors should avoid plagiarism.

Asia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN: 2653-0465; eISSN: 2653-1526
Contact Us: info@appublishing.com.au/apjhss2021@163.com
WeChat ID: apjhss