
您现在所在的位置:首页 > 2021年第一卷第一期

The Construction and Application of Online Tourism Translation Corpus for MTI Students

发布日期:2021-05-28    点击次数:1367

Abstract: In recent years, the application of online technologies such as Big Data, Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things has correspondingly given rise to smart tourism. The rapid growth of international tourism highlights the importance of tourism translation and relevant translators. Meanwhile, the online corpus is one of powerful platforms than can provide amount of information. Therefore, the author constructs three self-built tourism corpora for the application and exploration of translation, and then makes blueprints for MTI curriculum design, supplies data for researches on tourism translation and designs for the training of the tourism industry to supplement new research directions and methods so as to cultivate MTI students and practice teaching activities in the new era from the perspective of the corpus.

Key words: MTI; online tourism translation corpus; construction and application


LI Yanqin.JPG

上一篇:A Corpus-based Study of Translator’s Prosodic Styles: A Case Study of English Translations of Lisao by Yang Xianyi and Xu Yuanchong
下一篇:In Search of an Integrated Educational Model for MTI Program Based on SPORTS
人文與社科亞太學刊 紙質刊號:ISSN 2653-0465 電子刊號:ISSN 2653-1526
微信: apjhss Email: info@appublishing.com.au/apjhss2021@163.com