
您现在所在的位置:首页 > 2021年第一卷第一期

In Search of an Integrated Educational Model for MTI Program Based on SPORTS

发布日期:2021-05-28    点击次数:1304

Abstract: MTI program, as a new training model for translation postgraduates, aims to cultivate high-level, practical and professional translators and interpreters. However, there exist some problems in current MTI education and a comprehensive educational model is urgently requested to provide more professionals for the globalization of China. Hence, the concept of “SPORTS” is constructed so as to provide some new perspectives to the research of MTI educational model, and foster more high-level “culture conveys” for the international community.

Key words: MTI in China; SPORTS; an integrated educational model


PAN Yuqing.JPG

上一篇:The Construction and Application of Online Tourism Translation Corpus for MTI Students
下一篇:A Preliminary Study of the Cultural Content of Chinese Curriculum in Cameroon’s Middle Schools
人文與社科亞太學刊 紙質刊號:ISSN 2653-0465 電子刊號:ISSN 2653-1526
微信: apjhss Email: info@appublishing.com.au/apjhss2021@163.com