Volume 4 Number 2 2024

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The Development and Challenge of IaH in China Before and After the COVID-19

Release time:30-06-2024    Clicks:201

To cite this article: LI Haojin. (2024). The Development and Challenge of IaH in China Before and After the COVID-19. Asia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 200-207, DOI: 10.53789/j.1653-0465.2024.0402.018

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.53789/j.1653-0465.2024.0402.018

LI Haojin Volume 4 Number 2 APJHSS.pdf

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Asia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN: 2653-0465; eISSN: 2653-1526
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