您现在所在的位置:首页 > 2024年第四卷第二期生態翻譯學「三維」轉換視角下《海蒂》德譯漢研究——以朱碧恒、吳素君譯本為例
发布日期:2024-06-30 点击次数:387
To cite this article: ZHANG Wenwen & MENG Xiaoguo. (2024). A Study on the Chinese Translation of Heidi from the Perspective of “Three-Dimensional” Translation theory of Eco-translatology: Taking Zhu Biheng and Wu Sujun’s Translation as an Example. Asia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 153-158, DOI: 10.53789/j.1653-0465.2024.0402.013
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.53789/j.1653-0465.2024.0402.013