您现在所在的位置:首页 > 2022年第二卷第三期基於金石學的大理歷史文化尋隱———朱安女《白族古代金石文獻的文化闡釋》讀評
发布日期:2022-09-15 点击次数:1280
To cite this article: YANG Qing. (2022). The Exploration of the History and Culture of Dali Based on Epography: Reviews on Zhu Annv’s Cultural Interpretation of the Bai Nationality's Ancient Documents over Epigraphy. Asia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(3), 101-106, DOI: 10.53789/j.1653-0465.2022.0203.012
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.53789/j.1653-0465.2022.0203.012
YANG Qing Volume 2 Number 3 APJHSS.pdf