
您现在所在的位置:首页 > 2021年第一卷第四期


发布日期:2022-01-31    点击次数:1638

To cite this article: LIU Zhuyan & LIANG Sixuan. (2021). What Is Pre-Modern Up to?  On the Vernacular Writing of Xiao Jianghong’s Wu-Nuo Trilogy. Asia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(4), 028-034, DOI: 10.53789/j.1653-0465.2021.0104.004

To link this article: https://doi.org/10.53789/j.1653-0465.2021.0104.004

LIU Zhuyan & LIANG Sixuan Number 4 APJHSS.pdf

LIU Zhuyan.jpg

上一篇:The “Black” Side of the Story: History Rewriting in Andrea Levy’s Small Island
下一篇:無處可逃處處逃 ——《無聲告白》的逃離主題解讀
人文與社科亞太學刊 紙質刊號:ISSN 2653-0465 電子刊號:ISSN 2653-1526
微信: apjhss Email: info@appublishing.com.au/apjhss2021@163.com